Agnes Cecilia Fideli, giovanissima designer ha unito la sua fantasia ed estro alla carta creando collage innovativi e davvero particolari.
Paper artist, illustrator and graphic designer Fideli Sundqvist grew up in a creative environment in Uppsala. Her mother is a potter and her father a religious historian. The family had a small printing space in the kitchen where Fideli would also hang her pictures to dry on a clothesline. The artistic climate of her childhood and her great interest in music were the foundations for her career choice. “During one period in my life, I was completely engrossed by album-cover art,” she says. “I particularly remember one cover that was made from a linoleum cut, it was a real eye-opener to discover that art form.” Right after high school Fideli moved to Stockholm to study, first at Nyckelviksskolan and then at Konstfack. In spring 2011, she graduated in Graphic Design and Illustration. “Already during my second year at Nyckelviksskolan I started cutting paper silhouettes using a scalpel. I was so fascinated by all the possibilities paper art gave and the shadows that the cuttings created.” At first she worked mostly two-dimensionally but has increasingly switched to constructing and building three-dimensional paper objects that are then photographed. In 2011 she debuted with her book “Birre, where are you?” which won first prize in publishing house Opal’s contest for picturebooks. Fideli is inspired by everyday existence. “I think you have to give yourself a varied life, expose yourself to different types of impressions. Mostly, I think it is the work itself that gives birth to new ideas. Desire drives the work forward, as I heard someone say on the radio, and that is so true.”
2011 Art History I, 15 hp, Stockholm University
2008–2011 Graphic design & Illustration, Konstfack
2007–2008 Graphic design & Illustration, Nyckelviksskolan
2006–2007 Art and Crafts, Nyckelviksskolan




