Diane Millsap is a full-time, professional artist.  Born in Southern California, and raised in the Chicago area, she and her husband now live in rural northern Illinois.  She received her formal art training at Western Illinois University and from her mother, an accomplished watercolor artist.  After a career in furniture design, she now paints full time.

Over the past decade, Diane has painted, sketched and photographed the mysterious and beautiful city of New Orleans.  It has become the main focus of her work, and she and her husband have made it their favorite travel destination.  In addition to her original oils, many of her New Orleans street and jazz scenes are now in print.

As her art of New Orleans grows in popularity, collectors of her work have sent her photos, shared family stories, and welcomed her on her visits.  As she says, “I have become enchanted with New Orleans because it offers and endless flow of images to paint.  This city has a depth of soul and a love of life that reaches out to everyone.”

Diane’s paintings hang in many private and corporate collections across the country and abroad. Her style is constantly evolving, but a love of color and emotional expression is a common thread which runs through each
piece.  Her art is protected by US copyright law and reproduction, in any form, must have her expressed written consent.

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